In 2025, we are again offering the full gamut of tours: van-guided; we-lead-you-drive caravans; and self-guided. You’ll also have the opportunity to enjoy touring by a variety of means – walking, hiking, biking, riding, or driving!
And, in response to festival-goer requests, we’ve changed our tour structure to provide unique experiences with each opportunity! No more differently-named tours that overlap on locations! We are also dispatching several tours directly from Malheur Refuge Headquarters, giving people more time to bird and less time in a vehicle. Tours are listed below in chronological order.
The Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative is a local group of diverse partners working in Harney Basin and the Silvies floodplain to enhance flood meadows and improve the health of Malheur Lake and its tributaries while creating economic and social benefits for the community. For the past few years partners have been working behind the scenes and they want to show you what they have been doing! Join Ducks Unlimited’s Ashley Tunstall, Harney Basin Ecological Coordinator Melissa Petschauer, Harney Soil and Water Conservation District’s Breanna O’Connor, and High Desert Partnership’s Josey Wilson as they take you around the basin for an afternoon of birding and learning about the restoration work being done. Come along for a fun ride and learn what is happening in your backyard! VAN-GUIDED (you ride with us).
$45 / person, Thursday, April 10, 1 to 4 p.m. | 18 spots available
Departs from: Harney County Chamber of Commerce, 484 N Broadway, Burns, OR 97720
The Harney County Historical Museum is one of the county’s hidden treasures. The museum depicts a personal history of the county by the people who have lived here. There are two floors of displays in the museum and the recently added annex has another room full of history and artifacts. Most visitors agree that there are few museums that match the personalized history that is depicted in this great space. The Harney County Historical Museum has exhibits featuring Fort Harney, the City of Burns, ranching history, the history of the lumber industry, Native American exhibits, wildlife exhibits and much more. SELF-GUIDED
$3 – 5 / person, Thursday, April 10, 2 to 8 p.m. and Friday/Saturday, April 11/12, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: Harney County Historical Museum, 18 W ‘D’ St, Burns, OR 97720
Enjoy a chance to stretch your legs between birding tours and learn more about Burns history. This walking tour covers 16 blocks in the downtown area of Burns and focuses on many of the 100+ year old buildings still in use. You will visit and get a brief historical sketch about each building on your path. Finish your tour with a visit to the Harney County Historical Society Museum, open Thursday, 2 to 8, and Friday and Saturday from 10 to 4. *Free, but MUST Pre-register by adding this tour to your shopping cart.
Free, Thursday, April 10, 4 to 6 p.m. | Friday, April 11, 4 to 6 p.m. | Saturday, April 12, 3 to 5 p.m. | 20 spots available per tour
Departs from: Harney County Library – 80 W ‘D’ St., Burns, OR 97720
Harney Basin provides habitat for nesting, wintering, migrant and wandering bald and golden eagles. Rick Vetter and Joan Suther will lead a field trip to watch an early morning flyout of bald eagles from one of the largest bald eagle roosts of Oregon… that they have been monitoring for 33 years and counting! This is an early-start tour with a 35-minute drive from Burns. We leave on time, before sunrise, so as not to miss any eagles. The roost is secluded, but we’ll get to watch some of the birds fly out over our heads, from the comfort of our vehicles if it is cold, or outside if you prefer, on a quiet gravel road. As the eagles fly out, they scatter across agriculture fields preparing to search for a free meal, which is one of the main reasons they roost in this particular area. But it comes with a possible deadly consequence, which we’ll discuss, as well as the natural history of the birds in the area.
There will also be opportunities to identify and watch numerous other raptor species, including one of the longest winged hawks in the U.S. And on the return trip to Burns, we’ll stop at the Crystal Crane Hot Springs for additional birding. Plan and dress accordingly for cold morning temperatures, any sustenance needs, and a potential swim at the hot springs if you choose! CARAVAN (We lead, you drive).
$30 / vehicle, Friday and Saturday, April 11 and 12, 5:15 to 9:30 a.m. | Spots available for 10 vehicles per tour
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St, Burns, OR, 97720
Bird most of Harney Basin habitats from the majestic old growth ponderosa pines on Malheur National Forest to the spring fed ponds on Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Everyone gets a window seat on this tour and there are plenty of birding stops with short walks to stretch legs and smell the sagebrush. Note that Big Days really are BIG days!! Be prepared for many stops, getting in and out of the van a lot, and a fast and furious day of birding.
Peter Olsoy, Katie Sorenson, Duke Tufty and Brodie Cass-Talbot will be your leaders. Peter is the Oregon Birding Association President and eBird reviewer for several counties in Idaho and he and Katie (OBA Treasurer and middle school educator!) are dedicated Harney County birders. Duke is the President of the East Cascades Bird Alliance and Brodie is a long-time educator for Bird Alliance of Oregon. All four of our guides have led Basin Big Day before!
Plan on a full day of birding various habitats such as burned and unburned forests, juniper woodlands, sagebrush, agricultural fields, hot springs, wetlands, rimrock, floodplains, backyard hot spots and even sewage ponds. High quality spotting scopes available for use, and tour leaders can provide support for photography, digi-scoping and birding apps including eBird. Forest parts of the trip are weather dependent. VAN-GUIDED (you ride with us). *We’re adding a second “Basin Big Day” tour vehicle in 2025, and organizing a friendly ‘Big Day’ competition!
$140 / person, Friday, April 11, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. | $130 / person, Saturday, April 12, 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. | 16 spots available per tour
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St, Burns, OR, 97720
If you are new to the area or just want someone else to do the driving and take you to all the “hot spots,” this is the tour for you! Guides will answer all of your birding questions and provide insight into the habitat needs of many of our spring migratory birds. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to quiz an expert and discover the best birding around! Family friendly. On Friday, this tour will be around Burns and to the NORTH. On Saturday, this tour will be around Burns and to the SOUTH. (One to the north and one south on Sunday). A different experience each day! Led by retired BLM biologists Matt Obradovich and Rick Hall. Each has over 30 years of experience in natural resources, birding, and conservation. VAN-GUIDED (you ride with us).
$45 / person, Friday, April 11, 7 to 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. | Sunday, April 13, 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. |
9 spots available per tour
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St, Burns, OR, 97720
Think ‘pub crawl,’ but with a vehicle (not walking) and birds (not beer…you’re driving!). Meet up with biologists, scientists, wildlife spotters or subject matter experts in the field! We’ve strategically selected several locations throughout Harney County where you can drive to yourself and join a specialist who will help with birding in that area, share information and guidance, and support a great birding experience in the field. How does it work?
- Purchase a passport online (add it to your cart during registration), then pick it up in person at the Harney County Chamber of Commerce on Festival Thursday before 5 p.m. or at Bird Central (at Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St, Burns, OR, 97720) on Friday or Saturday, starting at 6 a.m.
- Over festival weekend, take your passport with you to the various stops on the passport and get stamped by a docent. Some of our tours even go to Bird Crawl locations!
- Bring your stamped passport back to Bird Central before 12 p.m. on Sunday, April 13, to be entered into a drawing for something AWESOME!
- Can I go to the Bird Crawl locations and talk with docents WITHOUT a passport? YES! The passport is a fun addition to the Bird Crawl, but not required.
What is the PASSPORT? Just a handy little commemorative booklet. Visit sites and get your passport stamped! Passports come with an annual sticker, part of the Harney County Migratory Bird Festival series. In 2025, we are featuring the Yellow-headed Blackbird, and keeping all Bird Crawl stops to the SOUTH!
Join Ashley Tunstall from Ducks Unlimited on this tour to bird and learn about the collaborative effort to replace Dunn Dam to improve water movement, fish passage, and to create better bird habitat at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. This tour will meet at Refuge Headquarters and travel from Headquarters down the Auto Tour to the Dunn Dam site. Dunn Dam is located on the river between headquarters and the Malheur Field Station connector.
$45 / person, Friday, April 11, 8 to 11 a.m. | 9 spots available
Departs from: Malheur Refuge Headquarters, Crane’s Nest Store – 36391 Sodhouse Ln, Princeton, OR, 97721
Enjoy a leisurely 5-mile birding hike to one of the hidden gems of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Candace Larson, Master Naturalist with the Bird Alliance of Oregon, guides you through this beautiful sub-basin of the Blitzen Valley, exploring the wetlands and surrounding habitats of the 600-acre Boca Lake, a portion of the Refuge normally closed to the public! You can expect an abundance of water birds and plenty of upland species as you walk the road that circumnavigates the lake. This is a terrific opportunity to combine birding and exercise with an adventure to a very special place. VAN-GUIDED HIKING TOUR (you ride with us).
$95 / person, Friday and Saturday, April 11 and 12, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. | 10 spots available per tour
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St, Burns, OR, 97720
Hiking + birding + llamas to carry your stuff = FUN! The Double-O ranch is a busy part of the Malheur National Wildlife refuge. As many as forty species may be seen in the area during the bird festival – great for photography! This hands-on llama event puts you in the middle of it all! When you join us for our day-long tour, you will have the opportunity to choose a llama companion who will carry your field gear and help you spot wildlife. You may assist with saddling and are encouraged to lead your llama during the tour. The route follows level tracks through sagebrush hills on trails that are otherwise closed to the public.
We will visit small Martha Lake where the birds can’t help but be close by, and we will lunch at large Derrick Lake with its expansive views and large rafts of waterfowl. Our route back takes us along a canal where ducks often linger at close range. Hiking distance varies depending on the interests of the group, but generally is from three to five miles. Camera gear, scopes and collapsible tripods can be accommodated, but should be well protected against possible jostling. Small folding chairs can also be taken along. Travel distance from Burns to the birding site is about forty miles and is a birding opportunity in its own right. Bring snacks, lunch and drinks. A birding guide will join this tour for expertise! CARAVAN TOUR (We lead, you drive).
$100 / person, Friday, April 11, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. | Spots available for 6 people
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St., Burns, OR, 97720
Time to put your new knowledge to the test! Using what you learned in the Waterfowl ID class, we will go out and identify waterfowl in the basin. This is a great opportunity to try out your new knowledge, ask questions and see waterfowl in their natural habitat. Please dress for the weather, as we will be in and out of the van. This tour is led by Melissa Petschauer, Harney Basin Ecological Coordinator for High Desert Partnership. Her career has been based in avian research with a focus on waterfowl. VAN-GUIDED (You ride with us).
$30 / person, Friday and Saturday, April 11 and 12, 9 to 11 a.m. | 11 spots available per tour
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St, Burns, OR, 97720
Interested in combining some moderate exercise with excellent Harney Basin birding? Join our guide, Karen Jacobs on flat, gravel bike rides along the Wildlife Parkway in Burns/Hines (Friday) and in the Bridge Creek area (Saturday/Sunday), at the south end of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. You will need to BYOB (bike), and binoculars are recommended! Layer your clothing, as the weather could change from one end of the thermometer to the other. Be sure to carry water and anything else you need to be comfortable on a 3-hour bike ride. BIKING TOUR (meet at the starting location).
$20 / person, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 11, 12 and 13, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. | Spots available for 20 bikers per tour
Departs from: Friday – Burns/Hines Nature Trail – meet at Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St, Burns, OR, 97720; Saturday and Sunday – Malheur Refuge Bridge Creek area – meet at Page Springs Campground at the base of Steens Mountain
TRACKS & SIGNS OF WILDLIFE TOUR (Youth & Family Focused)
Join Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Biologist, Lee Foster, for this engaging, family-friendly experience where everyone will learn about becoming a nature detective! You’ll never look at the outdoors the same – from feathers to nests, rub and chew marks to scat and footprints, signs of wildlife are everywhere! Tracking wildlife with kids, whether it’s spotting a dog print at the park, a bear track on a trail, or a little mountain of squirrel-gnawed pinecone flakes, lights up youthful eyes and minds as they discover evidence of wild lives beyond their field of view. Besides happy distractions and effortless nature education, tracking can teach and enhance patience and observation skills across all ages. CARAVAN TOUR (you drive, we lead).
$10 / vehicle, Friday and Saturday, April 11 and 12, 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. | Spots available for 10 vehicles per tour
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St., Burns, OR, 97720
Join Bird Alliance of Oregon’s Eastern Oregon Biologist, Teresa Wicks, and High Desert Partnership’s Harney Basin Ecological Coordinator, Melissa Petschauer for this largely field-based workshop. We’ll spend about 15-minutes before the tour going over what eBird is and how to use it not only as a tool for tracking your bird sightings but how you can use it to contribute to community science. After this brief introduction to eBird, we’ll head into the field to collect eBird sightings for Project IBiS (Inventorying Birds in the Silvies Floodplain). This field opportunity will not only contribute to important data about bird use of the floodplain and how bird use relates to Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative projects, but will give you firsthand experience with using the eBird app. CARAVAN TOUR (you drive, we lead).
$45 / person, Friday, April 11, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. , and Saturday, April 12, 12 to 3 p.m. | 10-11 spots available per tour
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St., Burns, OR, 97720
Join Tara Lemezis, Portland Audubon’s Assistant Director of Adult Education, on this tour traveling the southern region of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge’s Auto Tour Route. Tara has been birding at Malheur for nearly a decade and knows all the birdy spots along this route. You’ll travel past many of the refuge’s best wet meadow habitat, past several ponds, and along woody riparian habitat. This route travels along the Blitzen River, so ther are plenty of opportunities for viewing riverine bird species (such as mergansers) and several mammal species, including mink, otter, and sometimes beaver. This tour stops at two of the Bird Crawl stops, so be sure to bring your passport! VAN-GUIDED (You ride with us).
$45 / person, Friday, April 11, 1 to 4 p.m. | 9 spots available
Departs from: Malheur Refuge Headquarters, Crane’s Nest Store – 36391 Sodhouse Ln, Princeton, OR, 97721
Discover the world of Sandhill Cranes with biologist Gary Ivey of the International Crane Foundation. This tour will focus on finding sandhill cranes and learning about their biology and migration. Gary is a Research Associate at the Foundation and works on research, monitoring, environmental education, and habitat conservation projects for the sake of crane conservation. Bring water and snacks and plan for a few stops where you’ll be getting out of your vehicle to gather, observe, etc. This tour may go to areas similar to other tours, but the focus will be all about Cranes! This tour is offered 4 times over festival weekend – 2 of those are caravan style and 2 are van-guided. Make sure to pay attention to your preference and selection when registering.
Caravan: $20 / vehicle, Friday, April 11, 2 to 4 p.m., and Saturday, April 12, 2 to 4 p.m. | Spots available for 6 vehicles per tour
Van-guided: $30 / person, Saturday, April 12, 8 to 10 a.m. and Sunday, April 13, 8 to 10 a.m. | 9-11 spots available per tour
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St, Burns, OR, 97720
Rick Vetter, retired U.S. FWS and U.S. Forest Service Biologist, leads this fascinating discussion about Golden Eagles: the largest, fastest, nimblest raptor in North America and most widely distributed eagle in the world. Participants will drive themselves, meet in the field, observe a large nest (hopefully with nesting birds!) and share conversation with Rick. Bring binoculars or scopes, and something to sit on if you’d like! CARAVAN TOUR (We lead, you drive).
$30 / vehicle, Friday, April 11, 2 to 5 p.m. | Spots available for 10 vehicles
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St, Burns, OR, 97720
Join local retired BLM Archaeologist, Scott Thomas, for a rock art tour that focuses on the center of the basin. Explore different types of rock art made in ancient times by the first human inhabitants of southeastern Oregon. This tour visits a prehistoric petroglyph site on BLM-managed public lands, where the art designs were made by grinding or pecking the boulders with hammerstones. There is a short stop to visit the Round Barn Visitor Center, and – if time permits – a look at the historic Pete French Round Barn as well. Family friendly. VAN-GUIDED TOUR (you ride with us).
$45 / person, Friday, April 11, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. | 9 spots available
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St., Burns, OR, 97720
If you are new to the area or just want someone else to do the driving and take you to all the “hot spots,” this is the tour for you! Guides will answer all of your birding questions and provide insight into the habitat needs of many of our spring migratory birds. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to quiz an expert and discover the best birding around! Family friendly. On Friday, this tour will be around Burns and to the NORTH. On Saturday, this tour will be around Burns and to the SOUTH. A different experience each day! (One to the north and one south on Sunday.) Led by retired BLM biologists Matt Obradovich and Rick Hall. Each has over 30 years of experience in natural resources, birding, and conservation. VAN-GUIDED (you ride with us).
$45 / person, Saturday, April 12, 7 to 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. | Sunday, April 13, 7 to 10 a.m. | 9 spots available per tour
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St, Burns, OR, 97720
Travel with members of the Harney County Cattlewomen to working cattle ranches just outside of Burns. You’ll have the opportunity to learn about local history, learn about the coexistence of wildlife and ranching in the Harney Basin and listen to local range scientists from the Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center. Bring water. A beef-centric lunch by the Harney County Cattlewomen is included with the tour. CARAVAN TOUR (We lead, you drive).
TOUR – $50 / vehicle, Saturday, April 12, 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. | Spots available for 10 vehicles
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St, Burns, OR, 97720
Join us for a real llama hiking adventure. On this day-long tour you will have the opportunity to choose a llama companion who will carry your field gear. They will also be on the alert for wildlife as their sensitive eyes and ears will spot coyotes before you do. Their high-pitched alarm call will make sure you don’t miss it. You may assist with saddling and are encouraged to lead your llama during the tour. We begin by hiking along Goulden Canal watching for where ducks, herons, swallows, and water creatures. Then we climb the bluff above the lakes for an expansive view of the Harney Basin. Snowy Steens Mountain rises in the southeast while massive Harney and Malheur Lakes spread out before you. This is an awe-inspiring view that gives you a true sense of the magnificent breadth of this wild country.
Clambering through the sagebrush topside takes you into the northern edge of the Great Basin fault block geology where pronghorn and wild horses roam. The ascent up and along the top is a cross-country route requiring study footgear and hardy lungs. You will climb some 350 feet at a 15% grade to an elevation of about 4500 feet and descend in a similar fashion. Camera gear, scopes and collapsible tripods can be accommodated, but should be well protected against possible jostling. Small folding chairs can also be taken along. Travel distance from Burns to the birding site is about forty miles and is a birding opportunity in its own right. Bring snacks, lunch and drinks. Hiking experience is strongly recommended. A birding guide will join this tour for expertise! CARAVAN TOUR (We lead, you drive).
$100 / person, Saturday, April 12, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. | Spots available for 6 people
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St, Burns, OR, 97720
After the Raptor ID Workshop, take your new found skills out to the Harney Basin. Matt Hanneman, Burns Paiute Tribe’s Wildlife Program Manager, will take you to visit some of the Harney Basin’s best raptor hotspots. This tour will travel from Burns to Crane along Hwy 78, Then you’ll continue along Hwy 78, south to Crane, then to “Raptor Alley” which travels along agricultural fields on The Narrows-Princeton Rd. VAN-GUIDED (You ride with us)
$45 / person, Saturday, April 12, 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and Sunday, April 13, 7 to 10 a.m. | 11 spots available per tour
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St, Burns, OR, 97720
Harney County is an important stopover for migratory birds, during this tour we will focus on the waterfowl that use this area as an important refueling site and resident birds that stay here to rear their young. We will look for the numerous species of waterfowl that use the flooded wet meadows in the Silvies floodplain. This tour is led by Melissa Petschauer, Harney Basin Ecological Coordinator for High Desert Partnership. Her career has been based in avian research with a focus on waterfowl. VAN-GUIDED (you ride with us).
$30 / person, Sunday, April 13, 7 to 9 a.m. | 11 spots available
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St, Burns, OR, 97720
Join Dr. Thomas Bancroft for a walk around Gravel Ponds or along the Burns-Hines Natural Trail (location to be determined later) to look for birds and refine your skills in identifying them by their sounds. Birds sing, and their melodies are often distinctive, providing another clue about who is present in the wild. Some will be singing to establish territories, and others will be practicing their songs while migrating north. This should be a good time to find a diversity of birds and learn more about identifying them by sound.
$45 / person, Sunday, April 13, 7 to 10 a.m. | 10 spots available
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St., Burns, OR, 97720
Unique unto itself, the “Wilds” of the Double O unit of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge are a blend of playas, dunes, meadows, lakes and ponds. Join Candace Larson, birder extraordinaire and Field Biologist with the Bird Alliance of Oregon, on this adventurous hike to the Stinking Lake Research Natural Area. Be the first to explore an area on the Refuge where natural features are preserved for scientific purposes and natural processes are allowed to dominate! Hiking will include sections off-trail and on uneven ground. Plan accordingly. Please note that weather and road conditions in April are unpredictable; if the area is inaccessible, we will explore other Refuge hot spots. VAN-GUIDED HIKING TOUR (you ride with us).
$80 / person, Sunday, April 13, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. | 10 spots available
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St, Burns, OR 97720
Burns LLama Trailblazers female and baby llamas live on a ranch located in the meadow lands three miles north of Burns, where birds and llamas mix in a tremendous spring delight. Curlews, ibises, and cranes, fly low overhead, while Canada geese nest on the haystack. Snow geese by the thousands gather in the fields. Amid the excitement, we present a three-hour tour during which you will have the opportunity to groom llamas, lead them through obstacles and go for a walk with them. If the babies have arrived, you will meet them personally and have a chance to pet and hold them. The activities provide great photographic opportunities. During the tour we will also present you with a complete background on the care, history, breeding and uses of these fascinating animals. Collectively we have nearly sixty years of experience that covers all manner of llama activities, ranging from leading a 4H club, to training llamas to pull carts, and taking lengthy wilderness pack trips. The tour provides an excellent opportunity to answer your questions at length. CARAVAN TOUR (We lead, you drive)
$50 / person, Sunday, April 13, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. | 8 spots available
Departs from: Geno’s Youth Center – 135 E Washington St., Burns, OR, 97720