Join leader Ashley Tunstall from Ducks Unlimited on this tour traveling the southern region of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge’s Auto Tour Route. You’ll travel past many of the refuge’s best wet meadow habitat, past several ponds, and along woody riparian habitat. This route travels along the Blitzen River, so there are plenty of opportunities for viewing riverine bird species (such as mergansers) and several mammal species, including mink, otter, and sometimes beaver. This tour stops at two of the Bird Crawl stops, so be sure to bring your passport! VAN-GUIDED (You ride with us).
$45 / person, Friday, April 11, 1 to 4 p.m. | 9 spots available
Departs from: Malheur Refuge Headquarters, Crane’s Nest Store – 36391 Sodhouse Ln, Princeton, OR, 97721